On the meaning of Art. 30 of the Constitution (in the light of Ryszard Sarkowicz’s conceptions of levels of legal interpretation)
The aim of this paper is to (1) draw attention to Ryszard Sarkowicz’s conception of levels of interpretation which may be used as a tool for determining elements of the lawgiver’s system of knowledge and beliefs’ and to (2) present the analysis of Art. 30 of the Polish Constitution based on this conception. In addition, I would like to provide several remarks on R. Sarkowicz’s conception, concerning the definition of the legal text and the nature of the descriptive level of the legal text. The theses to be discussed in the article is that Art. 30 of the Polish Constitution describes a specific aspect of reality that is the genetic link between inherent dignity of eveiy actually existing human being and his/her objective rights (dignity as a source of this rights).
Autor: dr Kaliks Nagel
Data publikacji: 03.2016
Miejsce publikacji: Przegląd Prawa Publicznego
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