Labour law
We offer support in all legal issues related to employment. The scope of our services includes, among others:
- comprehensive legal advice on the proper establishment, amendment and termination of employment relationships and on the related rights and obligations of the employee and the employer,
- construction and verification of employee documentation, including, in particular, employment agreements, documents amending or terminating an employment relationship, non-competition agreements, as well as work regulations, remuneration regulations and company social benefit fund regulations,
- preparing draft agreements on civil law forms of employment, including mandate agreements, agreements for specific work, cooperation agreements and non-competition agreements,
- legal assistance in matters of social security and other public law obligations related to the employment of employees,
- advice on modern management of the working environment, including in particular by creating internal procedures aimed at eliminating discriminatory factors and the phenomenon of mobbing,
- legal advice on the procedure of concluding company and multi-company collective labour agreements, as well as their registration by competent authorities,
- support in negotiation processes with representatives of trade unions and other employee representation organisations
- advice and representation of Clients in negotiation processes with employee representatives as part of employment restructuring programmes, including enterprise agreements and voluntary leave programmes, and individual and group dismissal procedures,
- analysis of risks related to the initiation of court disputes arising from the employment relationship and professional representation in labour law cases pending before labour courts of all instances.